It's important for Narcolepsy sufferers to make your symptom concretely with simple words.

Saturday 19 November 2022


  Hello. I am Masa, a Narcolepsy sufferer from Japan.  I got this disease when I was 17teen years old,  Since then, I had to face many difficulties. I was often misunderstood and looked down on because of taking naps .during some important meetings.  The other day I fell asleep on the bench during an important soccer game played by my students.  It made me hate myself. Then I found the importance of taking precautious measures.        


 To make your own symptom clear with plain words. For example,

・ I cannot stay awake for 20 minutes without moving my body. 

・When I am tired or stay up late at night, I often experience cataplexy. 


   These simple explanations are more useful than using the word, Narcolepsy to tell someone your own circumstances concretely. .