The importance of sharing your suffering with the others.

Tuesday 3 March 2020


 Hello, this is Masa.

    Today, I want to tell you about the importance of sharing the suffering with others.

    Narcolepsy is still not known that much in society. So it's not easy to make your surrounding people understand your suffering. Then the patients tend to feel lonely and isolated, which changes you into a pessimist. That's what I became 13 years ago.

    One day, my doctor introduced me Narco-kai(Japanese Narcolepsy group), where the patients with Narcolepsy gather and share the idea of how to hold down the symptoms. At first, I was not able to develop much enthusiasm, as I couldn't admit my psychopathic disease honestly, but I was so troubled by it that I decided to attend the meeting.

    Attending the meeting, I knew that there were so many people suffering from the same symptoms as me. I remember that the meeting started with each self-introduction and how hard the suffering was up to then. It was the first time for me to listen to others' experiences and talk about my own experience to people other than my doctor and family. Just that, but it surely bought about healing effect.

   Now, I suppose many countries have their own Narcolepsy group like Narco-kai in Japan. Also, you can connect yourself with the other patients using Facebook and Twitter.  I strongly recommend you to attend such group positively.