The latest research about Narcolepsy and creativity

Monday 2 September 2019


I would like to introduce interesting research about Narcolepsy.

According to Célia Lacaux,et al, (2019), it is highly possible that patients with

Narcolepsy, who have lots of real and awful dreams and rapid eye movement

during sleeping, have higher creativity than normal people. This was shown from

the research using specified questionnaire. So some people, like George Church, the greatest scientist with Narcolepsy, (

don't take medicines as they think that it robs them of their creativity.

Any job requires creativity. If creativity is vital in your job, it is worthwhile for you

to try not taking medicines.

Célia Lacaux, Charlotte Izabelle, Giulio Santantonio, Laure De Villèle, Johanna Frain, Todd Lubart, Fabio Pizza, Giuseppe Plazzi, Isabelle Arnulf, Delphine Oudiette, Increased creative thinking in narcolepsy, Brain, Volume 142, Issue 7, July 2019, Pages 1988–1999,