Too itchy! Relation between Narcolepsy and rash on the skin.

Monday 7 October 2019


These days what troubles me is itchiness like atopy. When I rub it, then a rash appears as the picture shows. Now such itchiness comes from head to toe. I saw my regular doctor then he suggested that it should be related to restless legs syndrome. He advised me that although anti-histamine-medicines are effective for the itchiness, as it induces drowsiness, I should try some ointment. After that, I tried putting ointment (tiger barm), but it didn't work well. So I went to see a skin specialist. I asked whether there is some relation between Narcolepsy and such rash, but he said probably no and it is just normal rash. An antihistamine medicine, which he said less-inducing-sleepness, and it was actually effective.       
 However, as I was not convinced enough, I came home and researched the subject. Then I found that some people with Narcolepsy suffer from the same symptom as me. The keyword there was "Autoimmune" . Maybe, those who have some knowledge about Narcolepsy, it may ring something. Yes," autoimmune" is said to be one of the possible causes of Narcolepsy. So I looked for some data about the evidence, but I couldn't any.

Only yesterday, however, I received a notice-mail from Google Scholar suggesting that a thesis was released. The title was "Concomitant atopic dermatitis and narcolepsy type 1: psychiatric implications and challenges in management". This was the very thesis I was looking for.  According to it, 

"Along similar autoimmune pathways to NT1, defects in the innate and adaptive immune response in conjunction with epidermal barrier dysfunction are implicated in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis (AD). "

I am not sure the exact meaning, as I am not the specialist and not the native speaker,  but I knew at least that Narcolepsy might have some relation with atopic dermatitis.

If this is true, then it might be a reinforcement for the hypothesis that Narco comes from autoimmune. Further, this thesis suggests that anxiety may be a trigger for aggravating the symptoms.

This time my mini-survey suggests that Narco and rash like atopy have some relations. I hope more research will be done.

By the way, if you have the same symptom as me, please tell me. Although I am not a specialist (just a secondary school teacher), if such information gathers, then my consideration will become more likely.

Chin JBearison CSilverberg N, et al
Concomitant atopic dermatitis and narcolepsy type 1: psychiatric implications and challenges in management