If I use a simile to express the brain of patients with Narcolepsy...

Saturday 7 March 2020


   Hello, everyone. I am Masa.

   In the August 2019 issue of Newton (Japanese version), an authoritative science magazine, I found a special edition as to Narcolepsy. According to the article, Mr. Yanagisawa, who had detected Orexin(whose lack causes Narcolepsy), Tsukuba University, this time discovered the fact that a phenomenon called "phosphorylation" occurs to albuminous substances inside a brain with fatigue. He says that the stronger sleepness you have, the more active the phosphorylation occurs, and the phenomenon is gotten rid of after sleeping. He suspects that this might be a true identity of what we call "sleepiness". That is to say, when we say," we get exhausted", it means, "my brain got filled with phosphoric acid." 😆.     

    Anyway, this fact convinced me as my feeling fits this explanation. Then, in the case of the brain of Narcopesy patients, two theories are considered. One is that the phosphorylation occurs faster than the normal brain. The other is that the phosphoric acid cannot be removed well by sleeping. Judging from my feeling, both of them are likely, as my brain is easy to feel sleepy and hard to get relaxed during the night time. But, the former is more convincing as I can feel refreshed immediately after waking up. 

     By the way, since when I got suffered from Narcolepsy, I have considered my brain as a defective battery charger. I feel sleepy soon, but feel refreshed after a short sleep, although its fresh feeling doesn't last long.  This is like a defective battery charger which can be filled soon, but it soon becomes short of battery. You know, if you use your cellphone for a long time, its battery becomes like this, I hear that to prevent this problem, every time the battery should be used until it becomes empty before its recharge. From this point of view, there are two ways in the case of Narcolepsy.
1. find a way to deter "phosphorylation"
2. make sure that sleeping can take away as much phosphoric acid as possible. 

(These are based on my personal idea, not based on medical evidence.)