Narcolepsy sufferers should take L-Carnitine every day

Monday 2 March 2020


 Hello, I am Masa. I am happy if this article helps as many patients suffering with Narcolepsy as possible like me. 

 Narcolespy sufferers are known for the fact that they tend to get overweight, as their metabolism doesn't work properly. According to Mr Honda, the project leader of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience, his study revealed that L-Carnitine is effective for improving their quality of night sleep and decrease their daytime sleep. L-Carnitine is well-known for a diet supplement, which enhances metabolism. It is abundantly included in mutton and beaf. Not all of the patients, however, find it effective. It seems that the younger and stronger drowsiness during the daytime they have, the more effectively it works. Furthermore, it helps people with depression to raise their mood. 

   Actually, I attended this research some years ago and my quality of sleep has improved, though it's not perfect. This Carnitine is safe as it is contained in natural food such as meat. I have taken it for more than 5 years now. I am very easy to get fat naturally, but it seems that this substance contributes to my body's metabolism even a little. Now I make it a rule to take them together with Anafranil before going to bed.

    Mr. Honda says that it doesn't become more effective for increasing the amount of Carnitine.  In the research above, 510mg of Carnitine a day was used. I take Nature Maid's Carnitine, as its product has gained some international trust. One capsule contains 170mg, so I take 2 of them before going to work and before going to bed. There are some companies selling Carnitine supplements. I recommend you to find a good one for you. Please try them and I am happy if you give me feedback.

 That's all. Thank you for reading.
